Location Mannheim Bio Fuel GmbH
Mannheim Bio Fuel GmbH is a subsidiary of Bunge Deutschland GmbH. Bunge, among other business divisions, is one of the largest industrial producers of biofuels in Europe.
The nominal capacity at our production site in Mannheim is currently 120.000 tons of biofuel per year. Our strategically favorable location in the upper Rhine region offers the best prerequisites for delivery to our customers along the Rhine river. The main supply of rapeseed oil is provided by Bunge Deutschland through an environmently friendly direct pipeline.
The company uses technologically advanced production processes and innovative technologies. Products are delivered directly to European mineral oil companies, mineral oil trading companies, independant gas stations and logistic companies. In addition to biofuel, MBF also sells high-quality crude glycerin which is a by-product of the biofuel production process.
- Biodiesel
- Vegetable Crude Glycerin
Mannheim Bio Fuel GmbH
Inselstraße 10
D-68169 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 621 / 3704 - 227
Fax: +49 (0) 621 / 3704 - 66 227